AGM 2024 - Sunday, July 14th at 7:00 PM
- D’var Torah
- Approval of Minutes from AGM on July 25th, 2023
- President’s Report
- Financial Reports and Appointm
ent of Accountant - Volunteer of the Year
- Election of Slate
- Good and Welfare
- Adjournment
Returning Directors:
- Arie Jinich (2 years)
- Wayne Moore (2 years)
- Edward Sandler (2 years)
- Les Breiner (2 years)
- Elana Cherry (2 years)
- Janet Kaiman (2 years)
Proposed Slate:
- Avi Brodsky
- Lori Cohen
- Katherine Moss
Proposed President:
- Clemy Srour (2 years)
Financial documents available upon request.